Eriha no Saerumi

Stubborn ❁ Generous ❁ Sharp-Tongued ❁ Expressive ❁ Sarcastic

Saerumi grew up with an extremely privileged life, raised under strict rules within the prestigious Eriha noble family from Kugane. The Raen received an education, luxuries, everything she could have asked for, she obtained.In return for her lavish life, Saerumi's family presented her with no other option than to pursue inheriting her fathers empire.Despite Saerumi following most of her family's orders, she can't help but to act out. Escaping past her guards when the opportunity presents itself, throwing secret parties when her father isn't home... This has earned her the title of 'The Rebellious Princess' among her peers.Saerumi does not want to disappoint her family, but also longs for freedom. The Raen struggles with what path she will choose; One of sacrifice or selfishness.

Character Showcase Video


The Basics ––– –❁ Age: 28
❁ Sexuality: Straight
❁ Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –❁ Hair: Snow White
❁ Eyes: Moonlike
❁ Height: Taller for a Raen, 5′6.
❁ Build: Thin, almost alarmingly so.
❁ Distinguishing Marks: Pure white scales with moonstone qualities.
❁ Common Accessories: Jewelry, a silk pouch holding gil, ect
Personal ––– –❁ Likes: Traveling, singing, healing, making conversation, monochrome, philosophy.❁ Dislikes: Being touched (seriously don't do it), told what to do, high heels.

RP Hooks

❁ Rebel Princess- Saerumi above all else is a Rebel at heart. At every opportunity, you can find Saerumi escaping the duties of her family to find something fun and exciting to do instead. She will act out of spite just to prove someone wrong.❁ Eastern Noble- The Eriha family seemed to gain money and status overnight, an empire that has been expanding and growing in influence over Kugane and its elite at a rapid pace. Because the Eriha family is considered 'New Money', they tend to be looked down upon by the already long established nobles of Kugane.❁ Healer- Saerumi is an extremely capable healer, specializing in Raises and pulling back someone from the brink of death. But her healing comes at a very heavy expense to herself.❁ Trading- Saerumi’s family business specializes in trading all sorts of items; Jewelry, spices, silks, tea, imported goods, stationary, ect.Rare, please ask before using the below points!❁ Aether- Saerumi's aether is plentiful, but it seems to take a toll on her body in unexpected ways. This causes her to be quite weak and frail, a fact she desperately tries to hide from others.❁ Dark Secrets- Hidden underneath the guise of a Company, Saerumi’s family has many darker secrets that lurk beneath the surface.❁ Poisons- The Raen is quite talented at procuring poisons from all kinds of different plants and substances, all the while creating antidotes and cures for them. She insists she's immune to all the poisons she's created on her own.


PST | 30+ | She/Her

DISCLAIMER: Saerumi has a pretty sharp tongue, anything offensive she says is PURELY in character. If she ever makes you uncomfortable please let me know, I would be happy to dial her back to make scenes more enjoyable to RP.

❀ Hello there, thanks for stopping by and checking out Saerumi's carrd! I go by 'Chii', and I've been roleplaying for about 8 years now. I tend to post 1-3 paragraphs on average, but I like to match my partner's post length when possible!

Looking for: Long Term, Short Term, Friends, allies, enemies, dark themes, developing connections, slice of life, ect.Not looking for: ERP without development, rushed romance, character death, constant IC melodrama, OOC drama, godmodding.❀ I RP all types of themes! Slice of life, adventure, comedic, serious... Though I do have a preference towards darker or mature RP, with some kind of depth or character development in mind.❀ Communication is very important to me, especially in a medium like Roleplay. I like to have open communication on my end, and I'm always open to hearing my RP partners thoughts and ideas, no matter the topic. I promise I'm very chill and understanding!❀ I only accept 21+ RP partners, due to the nature of the RP I like to write.